In some cases, hair thinning is not associated with health concerns. But, it impact on the mental health and self-esteem of the people. This is a reason people try different treatments and home remedies for improving their hair health, thickness, and strength. In this article, we are talking about the key reasons for causing hair thinning and home remedies available for it.
Causes of hair thinning
Hair loss to some degree is normal because with age our hair naturally start losing its strength and volume. After that new hair will regrow from the same hair follicles. With time, some follicles will stop producing hair and become thin. Also, the hair loses its color. If you find a significant change of hair thinning and bald patches then it is called hair loss.
Some of the key reasons for hair thinning and hair loss are:-
- Male and female pattern hair loss
Male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness are also called androgenetic alopecia. It is caused due to genes and hormones of androgenetic alopecia. The problem of alopecia is increasing with age. Although it can impact teenagers and males above age 50 years or older also experience some degree of hair loss. It also impacts the females following menopause. In males, hair thinning occurs in the hairline to the back of the head. In females, it impacts the crown of the head.
- Alopecia areata
It is a condition that leads to hair loss in the patches on the scalp. It also impacts the eyebrows, beard, and other hair areas of the body. Genes and environment are key factors causing this problem. In alopecia areata, hair follicles are alive and allow the regrow of hair.
- Diet
Your body needs complete nutrients to develop new hair strands and maintain its healthy hair follicles. Protein is a key component of your hair. Micronutrients like vitamins and minerals play a vital role in developing healthy hair follicles growth. Vitamin deficiency can lead to hair loss and hair fall problems therefore you should include a healthy diet in promoting strong and healthy hair growth. Taking a nutritional diet can prevent the sign of damaged hair like dryness, brittle hair shafts, dandruff, etc.
- Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D works well in stimulating the hair follicles to promote hair growth. The deficiency of vitamin D can lead to hair loss and other symptoms. In some research, vitamin d deficiency is associated with alopecia aerates.
- Stress
Many people who are suffering from significant stress also notice the hair thinning problem. It is called telogen effluvium. If the stress is caused due to hair thinning then the hair will return to its normal volume once the stress situation begins to pass.
- Pregnancy
Pregnant women also notice hair loss problems. Later the hair grows back without taking any treatment.
People can take prescription medication for treating hair thinning. The food and drug administration has approved the prescription medications including minoxidil and finasteride for treating androgenetic alopecia.
- Minoxidill
This medicine comes in 2% and 5% treatments. People apply it directly to the area of thinning hair. It is a safe treatment for androgenetic alopecia. It works well in improving hair growth in 6 to 12 months. But, there are some side effects with minoxidil like skin irritation, excessive hair growth, and contact dermatitis.
- Finasteride
It is an oral medication that works well in hair loss. You should consult the doctor before starting using the finasteride drug. There are some side effects associated with erectile dysfunction, growth of breast tissue, decrease libido.