An organized process called cell division allows your body’s cells to grow and reproduce in a way that your body requires. Cancer is a disease in which some of the body cells grow abnormally and spread to other parts of the body. A cancerous tumor may develop anywhere in the body. Cancerous cells may form tumors, which are lumps of tissue. Cancerous tumors are known as malignant, while non-cancerous cells are known as benign. When cancerous tissues invade or spread to neighboring tissues, they can metastasize (spread to other parts of the body). Conversely, benign tumors do not metastasize, or spread to other areas of the body. When removed, benign tumors generally do not grow back. These are usually not life-threatening, despite their size. However, some benign tumors, such as tumors in the brain, can be life-threatening.
“Metastatic cancer” describes cancer that has spread beyond its original sites of growth. Metastatic breast cancer, as opposed to lung cancer, is the correct term for breast cancer that metastasizes to the lungs.
Some of the common types of cancers include:
The cancer is found in the epithelial tissues that cover the surface of organs, body structures, and glands. It’s the most common type of cancer. Cancer of the lining of the stomach is an example of carcinoma cancer.
Different categories of carcinoma cancers include:
- Melanoma
- Squamous cell skin cancer
- Basal cell carcinoma
- Merkel cell carcinoma
This cancer occurs when a malignant tumor grows from the connective tissues, such as muscles and tendons. It usually occurs in young adults. Of all bone cancers, osteosarcoma is by far the most frequent. Types of sarcoma include:
- Soft tissue sarcoma
- Osteosarcoma
- Chondrosarcoma
- Ewing’s sarcoma
This type of cancer originates in the nodes or glands of the lymphatic system. Lymphocytes, which include both B and T cells, are the ones that experience it. A component of the immune system, these white blood cells combat diseases.
Type of lymphoma include:
- Cutaneous lymphoma
- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Also known as blood cancer, it begins in the bone marrow that keeps it from producing normal red and white cells, and platelets. Red blood cells are needed for preventing anemia, while cells are needed to resist infection, while platelets keep the body from easy bruising and bleeding.
Types of leukemia include:
- Acute lymphocytic leukemia
- Acute myeloid leukemia
- Chronic lymphocyte leukemia
This type of cancer starts in plasma cells which are made in the bone marrow. Plasma cells produce antibodies, called immunoglobulins. Cancerous plasma cells become abnormal and make a type of antibody that doesn’t work efficiently to fight infection.
Brain and spinal cord cancers
The brain and spinal cord form the central nervous system (CNS). Brain is made of neurons and special connective tissues called glial cells that support nerve cells. The development of glioma, the most prevalent form of brain cancer, begins in glial cells.
Carcinoid tumors, neuroendocrine tumors, and germ cell tumors are among the other kinds of cancer. Mammography, colonoscopies, and Pap tests are among the screening procedures used to detect cancer. Some cancer diagnoses require the removal of a little sample of tissue, known as a biopsy. Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, hormone replacement, targeted pharmacological therapy, and bone marrow transplantation are all options for cancer treatment.
Getting a custom health insurance plan
However, all these cancer treatments could be quite expensive and it may be quite difficult for your employees to afford the costs of their chronic and long-term diseases, like cancer. By offering health insurance to your employees, you may contribute to reducing the expenses associated with cancer treatments. However, you might not be aware of which strategy will work best for you. If you need assistance creating an effective insurance plan for your staff, the PrudentRx program’s specialists are here to help. The experts will ensure that your employees have the maximum coverage from the PrudentRx drug list. The experts will also help you with CVS copay optimization, and also reduce your other out-of-pocket expenses. If you have any questions about PrudentRx, you may find the answers to most of them in the FAQ section.